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Smart City requirements approved: Asset Tracking via Mioty

Enhancing Interoperability for Distributed Structures The Diehl Metering IZAR Gateways form an expansive network of MIOTY infrastructure, penetrating deep into the basements of various buildings. In collaboration with the esteemed Diehl Metering team, we have not only confirmed but are delighted to announce the seamless interoperability: BLE POI positions, as detected by Safectory's MultiTag, are [...]

Von |2023-09-15T12:29:29+02:00September 5th, 2023|Blog, EN|Kommentare deaktiviert für Smart City requirements approved: Asset Tracking via Mioty

Find things at a glance instead of searching for a long time?

Find things at a glance instead of searching for a long time? Three reasons to become a safectory partner. Do your customers walk and communicate a lot to find out where something is again and again? This takes a long time, costs a lot and is sometimes unsuccessful. Offer these customers to find things and [...]

Von |2023-09-12T13:29:49+02:00Mai 8th, 2023|Blog, EN|Kommentare deaktiviert für Find things at a glance instead of searching for a long time?
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